Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Video Games New Responsibility?

I recently heard two different NPR shows referencing video games in different usages. The first was a show on the evolution of music in video games and how it went from little blips of noice to full blow symphonies. They discussed how its interesting that many video games went that route and how it gives musicians a new way to approach their music. Great games were referenced, but I was a little annoyed that Marty and Halo didn't get any reference, I thought they desreved a mention due to Halo's popularity and the quality of gameplay music.

The second show was on video games and its lack of responsibility to political awareness. This wasn't one of the common video game violance rants, but an attack on the fact that video games are not taking a stand on global issues, be it the plight of 3rd world countries or corrupt political parties. The interviewee claimed that since video games now reach billons of people and have established themselves as a prominent media giant on the ranks of TV, Movies, etc that they now face a responsibility to the public to educate on global and local issues. It was cited that the Movie and TV industry do this by creating politcally aware media and that they are the model the Video Game industry should follow.

I personally think that the Video Game industry should be left apart from the political spectrum of things and operate without political relevance. Sure there can be games made that accomplish these political goals, and it will happen if someone really wants to make it, but it should not be thrust upon the industry or asked to appeal to a certain norm. Video Games are fun because they step the player away from that and let them enjoy a good story or fun competition.

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