Friday, April 18, 2008

Arby 'n' Chief

**Warning: These videos are entirely too funny and may cause irreparable damage from laughing too much. Also there is some colorful language**

After playing a few late night games of Halo 3 and trying to find a few Halo videos on Youtube to bring me down gently from my Halo high, I wandered upon this gem of a series: Arby 'n' Chief

Watch one episode and if you don't die laughing then just put down your controller and realize that you should never play Halo again.

I believe it all began with a set of videos called "Master Chief sucks at Halo" One of a few of these videos is here:

It always gets me to see them sitting there with the controller on their laps, talking smack to themselves and other players. Also, just my personal opinion, but Arby FTW!!!

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