Sunday, June 15, 2008

Incredible Hulk

Let's get the obvious question out of the way first. Yes, it's MUCH better than the last Hulk movie. This is the movie they should have made the first time. Now that that is out of the way, this film was not amazing like Iron Man. It's pretty much a 2 hour chase film. The story is not that great and predictable. The special effects are an improvement over the first film but they are still disappointing. The Hulk still looks fake! Why does Hollywood always feel the need to go over the top with everything? It's time to go back to the "less is more" style of movie making. Let the audience use their imaginations a little. It's difficult to believe that a human being can transform into a giant Godzilla like monster. It would have been more believable to have a human actor become "enhanced" physically with special effects instead of becoming an animated character that looks like it came out of a video game. On a positive note, the acting is great in this movie and Ed Norton is a much better Bruce Banner than Eric Bana and Liv Tyler is way hot as Betsy Ross. Comic book fans will enjoy this version also because the Hulk has been provided with a more reputable villain to fight: The Abomination. Marvel really needs to ditch the over the top CGI and hire better writers next time if there is going to be a Hulk 2. Exp. Rating +1

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