Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones

I have been really anticipating the new Indiana Jones movie. It's been 19 years since we last saw him ride off into the sunset, closing out the classic 80's trilogy. Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade were both great movies - where Temple of Doom was just ok.

All this to say that I saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Friday night and WOW, what a disappointment! This is by far the worst Indy movie ever and a complete disaster! The story is terrible, the acting is cheesy, and the whole movie is just too unbelievable that it's ridiculous.

Problem is, no matter what anyone says, people are still going to go see it. It's one of those movies that is critic proof. Everyone knows and loves the 80's movies and will want to see new one. I was the same way. I had a few people tell me who saw it earlier that it was bad but I didn't care. I needed to see it for myself!

For me personally, I will pretend that this movie doesn't exist. I would never want to sit through this mess again. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg should not be allowed to make any more sequels (or prequels) to their classic movies. The Star Wars prequels sucked and now they are ruining Indiana Jones! Exp. Rating -10

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